
Boon SUDS Bottle Washer

A representative from Boon asked me if I wanted to do a review for a new feeding product of theirs, and I admit I'm kind of a sucker for all things Boon anyway (i.e. our Craigslist high chair, new bottle warmer and grass). Plus I wash enough bottles now with my refused-to-nurse-past-six-months baby that I figured a bottle washer would be a great product for us to add to the arsenal of baby feeding stuff. My poor long handled scrubber has seen better days and probably needs to be replaced anyway.

The SUDS bottle washer is pretty cool in that you just add soapy water to the bowl, press the bottle down on the stick, and water squirts up through it as the brush cleans and spins inside of the bottle. I totally did not understand how it worked by just looking at the product, so this video helped, but mostly I just had to try it once to get the concept.
IMG_2351 IMG_2370 IMG_2371 IMG_2366 IMG_2362

I love how the bottle washer matches the rest of our lime green Boon products on our counter and I do approve of how clean it gets our bottles. The only complaint I have is that it can't clean the nipples and the bottle rings/attachment piece so I still have to scrub those by hand anyway. I think that the bottle washer will be nice to use for other glasses that I'd normally wash by hand, too. Apparently Boon knows that a lot of customers use their Grass and Lawn products as a wine drying rack, because how hilarious is this wine glass they sent to go along with the theme of using their stuff beyond the bottle years? I enjoy connecting the little kid years to wine consumption, big fan of that concept over here, obviously.


You can find the SUDS washer at Target in stores and online and it's BPA, PVC and Phthalate-Free. I like ours and it adds to our Boon collection nicely. 



  1. Um ya - I want it. That is awesome (and you are right - it would be good for other types of glasses! They should actually sell it with different sized brush heads for that purpose!).

  2. Speaking of Boon products, have you tried their silicon feeder ( I tried their feeder and the mesh ones in your last picture, and I love the silicon feeder. My baby likes it better and it cleans easier.


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